Many men struggle to know what to say to a girl online when talking to new women. In this article, you’ll find out much more about how to approach the situation carefully and to help things progress without causing offence or leading her to ignore or even block you. Read on for key tips on how to attract women online.
How to flirt with a girl online
Be specific and avoid causing offence
It’s not enough to simply say you like food, movies, and music – most of us do. Specifically state which kind of dishes, films, and tunes you appreciate to get the conversation flowing, but avoid anything controversial, especially at the start. Don’t forget to ask her about her favourite things to watch, eat and listen to. It can seem easier to talk online than in real life, but remember, the internet is not a toy and things you say on the net can cause you just as much trouble as they would if you said them in a face-to-face setting. Treat the girl with the utmost respect when flirting online.
Be careful with emoticons and stay upbeat
Many people use emoticons to express emotion when chatting online, however, try not to use them too often as they can become irritating and make you appear immature. Try not to come across as overly negative when chatting to a girl online – downbeat talk can be incredibly off-putting and can make the other person feel uncomfortable. Remember, she’s looking for someone to make her smile, not a person that will bring her down. Keep it as light as possible whilst maintaining authenticity. Be complimentary, but don’t overdo it or you could appear somewhat creepy.
Show enthusiasm
If the girl you are chatting to does agree to a date, let her know you are looking forward to it. Arrange to meet in a public place where she is likely to feel comfortable and don’t be too disappointed if the chemistry isn’t there in a real-life setting. Try to keep the conversation focused on her to show her you are genuinely interested in her and what she has to say.
Teasing and intimacy
Teasing can be fun once you learn the art of making a woman laugh at herself without actually feeling bad. Sexual teasing can be incredibly exciting for both partners. It’s always best to wait a while so you can test the waters before you talk about anything intimate, and many men prefer to wait for their potential match to bring up the subject of sex. Try not to appear too needy, and don’t bombard her with messages if you do stop receiving responses as this is not how to make a girl like you.
If you’ve been wondering how to get a girl’s attention and win a place in her heart, the above steps can help. If you want to know how to attract women online, remember to keep calm, maintain your confidence and show you have a genuine interest in them from the start.